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On Your Table Blog

May 7, 2024

Ah-ha moments

Ah-ha moments

by Heather Lang

The journey from childhood to adulthood, and then onto parenthood, is filled with moments of revelation and understanding that reshape how we perceive the world and our place within it. As a parent do you ever catch yourself using phrases to your kids that your parents used to say to you that you despised? Phrases such as, “We’re not heating the outside, shut the door!” or “No one ever said life was fair.” which I do still tell my kids but I also like to follow that up with, “This is as good as it’s gonna get. It doesn’t get easier from here.”

And then there is the dreaded, “It’s not what you say it’s how you say it.” Growing up I interpreted that phrase almost as a slap in the face. I would get instantly annoyed, my eyes rolled back in my head and I thought to myself, “There’s nothing wrong with voicing my opinion. I’d rather voice my opinion than sit quietly being told what to do when I don’t agree with it.”

Now as an adult and a parent, I understand what my parents meant. I had my ah-ha moment the first time I caught myself repeating the same phrase to my kids. The transition from being on the receiving end of such phrases to being the one who delivers them is not just a sign of aging but a marker of personal growth. It signifies a deeper understanding of the intention behind those words — a realization that what may have sounded like nagging was actually rooted in a place of love and concern. I understand that they didn’t mean it in a mean or degrading way. In fact, they wanted me to stand up for myself and were proud that I was brave enough to stand my ground but in a respectful way. I recognize that now, back then I didn’t see it that way.

Everyone has a story to tell. Whether it is told via presenting on a stage, through social media, or quietly sharing with your friends, your story deserves to be told. Our story is simple: we love our lifestyle, we are passionate about advocating for our children's future and we think everyone should have access to healthy, affordable, nutritious foods. For decades my husband and I have dedicated countless hours advocating for the lifestyle and industry we strongly believe in. Starting the farm store was another ah-ha moment for me. We could offer our farm fresh goods to the local community. The store is located right on our farm where customers can experience a small piece of a working farm as they shop our store. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to connect with the public on a personal level while sharing our story and our journey; being able to show them the original homestead that is still on the site, listen to their story, and provide food for their family while answering their questions.

The intent was never to be large or do any huge expansion. We weren’t looking to “make a quick buck” or be labeled as an agri-tourism stop. We simply wanted to connect people to their food. We hope that by providing a space for others to connect, learn, and grow we can make a small impact on our community.

Growing up is not easy. Being a parent is not easy. Farming is not easy. Starting your own business is not easy. But each of them are extremely rewarding and once you have that ah-ha moment you can do anything you put your mind to.

To follow our story and journey, I invite you to follow us on Instagram @ndpiggytales.

Heather Lang and pigletHeather is the former NDFB District 7 Promotion and Education Committee member and is also a former American Farm Bureau Federation P&E member. She currently serves as the president of Burleigh County Farm Bureau. Heather and her husband, Lucas, raise animals and crops on a 5th generation farm near Bismarck.