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On Your Table Blog

February 26, 2018

A balanced plate

And yes, it can include GMOs!

A balanced plate

Excerpted from

Resolve to focus on what matters most about your health

by Amber Pankonin

Perhaps you’ve heard of the cabbage soup diet or the werewolf diet? These diets sound ridiculous, right? Well, choosing a non-GMO diet simply for health reasons might be just as ridiculous.

There are only 10 foods on the market today that are actually genetically engineered. Those foods or crops include cotton, canola, corn, soy, sugar beets, alfalfa, papaya, squash, apples and potatoes. If this surprises you, keep reading because the reality is that many products with a non-GMO label do not have a GMO counterpart. For example, Hunt’s tomatoes are labeled non-GMO, but there are no genetically engineered tomato products on the market today.

The popular non-GMO label is paired with a beautiful butterfly, which makes it look like a symbol of health and wellness. The truth is that the butterfly is a marketing ploy designed to scare you into purchasing a product that offers no increased health benefit.

Instead, I encourage you to focus on what matters most when it comes to your health and personal nutrition.

Read Amber's tips here