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On Your Table Blog

July 31, 2023

Avocados, the ultimate summer sensation!

Avocados, the ultimate summer sensation!

by Dawn Smith-Pfeifer

My husband is an avid bicycle rider. He typically rides at least 20 miles a day and hasn't missed a day in a very long time. Years, I think! (When you are my age, it's hard to keep track of where I put my own glasses.) Anyway, he bikes when it's 40 degrees below zero, and when it's 106 degrees above zero. His dedication to a sport is something I am incapable of mirroring! We got a tandem so I could ride too. In the summer. When it's between 70-85 degrees. Above zero of course. With nary more than a whisper of a wind.

Back in June of 2021 when it hit 106 degrees, (I had to look this up on the interwebs, by the way) he rode 20+ miles. I stepped outside and promptly went back inside, wildly patting my head, sure my hair had spontaneously combusted. He loves the heat. I wilt in it.

Now you may be wondering what all of this has to do with avocados. Not much, except to say that we don't make a killer guacamole recipe we got from our friend Patti unless it hits 100 degrees. I would gladly make it at 85 degrees, but the 100 degree weather brings back memories for hubby of a day we spent in Reynosa, Mexico years and years ago. It was incredibly hot. Did I mention how much he loves the heat? So, anyway, "Guac at 100" is a family tradition.

And while I was writing this post, I received a notification that we officially hit the 100-degree mark which perfectly segues into the fact that  National Avocado Day is July 31st! So, it seems like the appropriate time to share this tattered, well-used, spilled upon guacamole recipe so you too can make up a family tradition that only allows you to eat it once in a while, because.... It's. That. Good.

Patti's guacamole recipe

If you notice, it's all about personal preferences with this recipe. You get to taste a lot to make sure it hits your taste buds just right. If you can't read this, head on over to our recipe page and click on the guacamole recipe.