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On Your Table Blog

July 11, 2019

Building confidence and connections

Building confidence and connections

By Carie Moore

It's that time of year in North Dakota where families are preparing for 4-H achievement days, county fairs, and the State Fair. It's a culmination of the hard work from youth aged 5 to 18 and older.

4-H is a chance for kids to learn about things from communication to woodworking and livestock to domestic crafts and cooking.

I encourage you to look at these exhibits at your county fair or other event near you, or when you visit the State Fair.

Most, if not all of these projects come from some form of agriculture, be it a food or a fiber product.

4-H project at local school

4-H project showing at local school

Families get the opportunity to bond with each other: Urban folks get to learn about rural life and vice versa. It's a great learning experience not only within your club and county, but with others across the state and different backgrounds.

It's rewarding to see the positive talents and characteristics in our youth by looking at the range of products that come from their hands and minds. The bonding with their friends and family to complete the projects is also a huge plus.

Some even make it a future career choice, like racing pigs!!

I can't say enough great things about 4-H and FFA programs throughout the nation. They have blessed our family and we hope they continue to bless yours as well, either as a member or a recipient of gaining knowledge by talking to a member about their project.