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On Your Table Blog

November 30, 2020

Fun food facts

Fun food facts

Periodically, we just like to share some fun food facts that you probably aren't aware of. These are gleaned from a monthly newsletter shared by long-time Farm Bureau member Marlene Kouba.

For instance, did you know that the tomoato is the most canned vegetable?

Or that coffee was first introduced in Europe as a rememdy for colds, hysteria and toothache? (Don't know about the toothache stuff, but a lot of people get a little hysterical when they DON'T get their java!)

Asparagus is the fastest growing vegetable.

There are 8 ounces of milk in one 5 ounce chocolate bar. It is condensed so only the milk solids remain.

An adult would need to drink four gallons of milk per day to duplicate the amount taken in by a baby.

Only about one-tenth of the earth's surface is suitable for agriculture. So just know that, as the population grows, farmers and ranchers will have to keep working with technology to grow more food for more people.