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On Your Table Blog

February 28, 2024

'Nuggles and no sleep

'Nuggles and no sleep

by Kelli Bowen

Miss A is the Princess of ‘Nuggles. As she gets older, some things change, but some things stay the same.

Miss A hasn’t had a successful sleep over, unless we count when a friend took both children over night when we had the fire. Even then, Miss A wasn’t happy about it but she dealt.

She’s gone to a handful of birthday parties, some with sleepovers attached, but Hubby and I inevitably get the 9:30 call that wants to come home.

She even tried having a friend stay at our house, and about 9:30 Miss A told me she was ready for her friend to leave. The kid just turns into a pumpkin around 9:30 and doesn’t have time for people other than mom or dad.

This past weekend, one of her friends had a birthday party and Miss A didn’t even bother packing a bag. “I’ll go to the party, but I’m coming home at bedtime.” Then about an hour into the party, I get a phone call: “Mom, can you bring a bag? I’m going to try staying over.”

I told Hubby I was going to pack a bag and run it across town to the party. Miss A is going to attempt a sleepover.

“Uh huh.” He replied. I dropped the bag and told the hosting mom, I’ll have my phone on me if things change. Miss A grabbed the bag and took off.

About 11 p.m. I decided to turn in, no call. My baby girl decided to sleep over. Part of me was proud, a little part was sad, one more first as she develops into her own independent person.

I picked her up the next morning, we pulled away from her friend’s house and she tells me “Mom I didn’t sleep.”

“You mean you didn’t sleep well?”

“No I didn’t sleep. You see, if I didn’t sleep, I didn’t need to call you because it was never bedtime. Me and Birthday-Girl stayed up ALL NIGHT long so I wouldn’t need to call you. I’m going to bed early tonight.”

I smirked as I drove home. Maybe my baby girl isn’t quite ready for sleepovers, but she was definitely ready for some ‘nuggles. Some things may change, but some things stay the same.

nuggles are the best

Kelli BowenKelli makes her home in Cass County with her husband, two daughters (11 and 8) and two dogs. She works for a regional seed company by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend and writer by night.

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