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On Your Table Blog

December 18, 2018

Serving up Christmas traditions

Serving up Christmas traditions
This article first appeared in the December issue of Prairie Parent

by Jolyn Wasem

With the recent snow, the tune “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” keeps entering my mind. I really do love Christmas. I love celebrating the birth of Jesus and getting together with family and friends. Christmas is much different for me now than it was when I was a little girl. For one, I grew up in town, and Christmas meant a break from school, spending time with friends and family, and eating lots of Christmas goodies! Now as an adult with my own children, Christmas takes on a whole new meaning.

Jolyn as a child at Christmas

As kid I didn’t realize how much time and preparation went into getting ready for a holiday! The Christmas goodies I loved to eat sure take a lot of time to make and aren’t near as kind to my waist line as they once were! Shopping for presents has its ups and downs too. I like to shop local when I can; there is just something nostalgic about being out and about Christmas shopping. I try hard to not be that person who is in the store at closing time on Christmas Eve, still searching for the perfect present! I have done that many times and it isn’t fun. There have been years when I was done shopping before December even got here, but as my kids get older and schedules get crazier, I seem to find myself back in that last-minute madness.

Another thing on my Christmas to-do list is meal prep. We had a pretty standard meal growing up, turkey, mashed potatoes, strawberry pretzel salad, seven-layer lettuce salad, green bean casserole, and of course pie for desert.

Now as the chief cook in my household the decision is mine, what to make, or not to make. Imagine my surprise when I learned not everyone loves strawberry pretzel salad.

Depending on my guest list, the menu can change, but one thing that doesn’t change is the protein source. If we are having guests for dinner, there will be beef on my table. As a rancher, it is just something I do. Why beef? Believe it or not, prime rib is fairly easy to make, once you get over the fear of cooking it. It is delicious and nutritious, and I usually don’t have many left overs to figure out what to do with it in the following days. I get my turkey fix at Thanksgiving and my ham fix at Easter, so I figure it is only right to give beef the spotlight at Christmas.

Whatever you choose to put on your plate this holiday season, make sure to take a moment and give thanks to the many farmers and ranchers who worked hard all year long to provide you with this food to feed your family and friends.

Jolyn and her family at Christmas

From my pasture to your plate, have a blessed Christmas!

Jolyn is the new District 9 representative on the NDFB Promotion and Education Committee