Image by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay
By Elizabeth Magee, LRD, RD
I just asked my daughter what her New Year’s resolution is. She told me she doesn’t do those. Hahaha. Must have learned that from me. My husband isn’t into them either. I’ve never been one for resolutions. For one, I don’t need the date to be January 1st for me to change something. Two, I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure, because I can’t seem to comply with them.
But this year, I’m thinking about setting some. I need to focus on being more positive, rolling with the punches, and finding the good. I used to be decent at rolling with the punches. I feel like I’m losing that, but I’m not sure why. Old age? Who knows?
I wouldn’t say I’m a complete negative Nancy, but I do know that I plan for the worst all the time. BUT for a positive reason…it helps me to not be disappointed. When you plan for things to go wrong, you’re ready for it, you have a back up plan, or you just aren’t sad or disappointed. You’re prepared for a challenge. It’s definitely skewed that I view this as a positive, but it helps me, so I’ll keep doing it. Nevertheless, I certainly could work on seeing the glass half full.
If my mom was going to set a New Year’s resolution for me, she would tell me to be more patient. She’s not wrong. I’m the least patient person ever. My mom is the most patient person I know; my dad was not at all.
Nick would tell me to not be so negative (and to unplug my hair straightener and shut off the lights).
Since my daughter is sitting here, I asked her. Her response “Clean the litter box for me.” Not what I was expecting her to say; that conversation ended quickly. I thought she’d say something more insightful.
This year has taught me to let loose. Enjoy the moment. Travel (I’d kill to go somewhere right now). Have fun. Go with the flow- it’s the easiest way. Play with your kids. Snuggle with your kids. Sit down and read. Relax. Eat the things you really want to but haven’t allowed yourself to. Thank your body. Thank your mind. Be grateful to those around you. And ALWAYS be kind. You never really know what battles others are facing. And when you don’t want to be kind is when you really need to be kind; that person probably needs it the most. Give compliments. Take care of yourself. Be nice.
Let loose. Enjoy yourself. You never know when the whole world will basically shut down.
Elizabeth Magee is a licensed registered dietitian. Her posts appear monthly on OYT.
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